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Changing how DXF colors are assigned to plant parts

Because the DXF format was originally designed as an internal format for AutoCAD, the DXF file format specifies colors by indexes into a list of "AutoCAD colors". In other words, the range of colors is limited. Some 3D programs can understand red-green-blue (RGB) colors as well as the standard AutoCAD color indexes. Try outputting RGB colors and see how well your 3D program reads the colors. If the colors are garbled, stick to the AutoCAD colors.

To change how DXF colors are assigned to plant parts,
Select a plant.
gif/plantstudio00090000.gif Choose Save DXF File from the File menu.
gif/plantstudio00090000.gif In the Colors panel, click use front-face RGB colors to output the long integer red-green-blue values PlantStudio uses to store colors.

gif/plantstudio00090000.gif Click use one color for whole plant to output the whole plant as one color. If you choose this option and separate your DXF plant into layers by type of plant part (see
Changing how DXF layers are assigned to plant parts), you can assign new colors after you have imported the plant into your 3D program. This is the option we suggest, since it is probably easier to assign colors in your 3D program than here, and you probably have a much wider range of colors to choose from there.

gif/plantstudio00090000.gif Click use colors based on type of plant part to set different colors for each plant part type.

If you choose place whole plant in one layer in the Layers box and choose use colors based on type of plant part in the Colors box, you will override the layering option because setting a new color automatically creates a new layer.

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Updated: March 10, 1999. Questions/comments on site to
Copyright © 1998, 1999 Paul D. Fernhout & Cynthia F. Kurtz.